BBC rediscovers the 'Lost Art of Oratory' (again)

An interesting feature of today's post about oratory on the BBC website is that it doesn't say anything about why it should be appearing today, or any other day for that matter.

I say this because, as I've noted before, the BBC, like other media outlets, has systematically reduced the numbers of speeches they show on television over the past twenty years, which I regard as a worrying trend. You can see more on this in earlier postings on this blog, including Obama’s rhetoric renews UK media in the ‘lost art’ of oratory.

And the title of that is what I would bet inspired Denise Waterman, and/or whoever it was at the BBC who commissioned the piece, to write about a subject that they'd probably never have bothered with in the pre-Obama era.

So a few months ago Alan Yentob, who in his former job at the BBC played a part in taking speeches off the air, suddenly became interested in the subject, probably to justify the expense of sending so many staff to Washington for Obama's inauguration - on which, see ‘The Lost Art of Oratory’ by a BBC executive who helped to lose it in the first place.

If you'd like to learn more about Obama's techniqes, the following posts include line-by-line analyses:

Rhetoric and imagery in Obama’s victory speech

Rhetoric and imagery in President Obama’s inauguration speech

There are quite a lot of other posts about him on the blog, and the easiest way to access them is either to type his name (or that of any other politician you might be interested in) into the search box on the left, or to go to my business website where there's a complete list of posts (and direct links to them) since the blog began.


pintosal said...

Yesterday, the BBC news website posted that The University of Central Lancashire are to offer an MA in Rhetoric. See

Max Atkinson said...

Sal - Thanks for this info, which I've now put on another blogpost.