Speaking without notes: why watch Miliband or Cameron when you can watch Julia Gillard?

A speech is occasionally so stunning that it's worth watching all the way through for pure enjoyment and/or instruction.

So I'm grateful to Jim Kelleher (@UncleBooBoo on Twitter) for drawing my attention to this gem from Australian prime minister Julia Gillard - which he rightly describes as "an amazing smackdown" and "a  masterclass in speaking without notes."

Much more powerful and effective than recent attempts at 'notelessness' by British politicians and, as an added bonus, it's also a masterclass in the finely honed insult.


Louise Brice said...

Awe inspiring. A master class.

Unknown said...

Great to see you pick this up Max. It's been HUGE in Australia but much better commentary in the international medai. More here on the rhetoric, rather than the politics: http://speak-for-yourself.com/2012/10/11/when-rage-is-your-right-three-ways-anger-can-work-for-you/

Unknown said...

The embedded video is blocked in the UK for copyright reasons. Here's one that plays http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ihd7ofrwQX0

Max Atkinson said...

Thanks to 'Unknown' for alerting me to this problem and redirecting me to a link that works (and now replaces the 'blocked' version).