"20 is plenty" in the Somerset village where I live

Readers of this blog and/or any of my books such as "Lend Me Your Ears", "Our Masters' Voices", "Speech-making and Presentation MADE EASY" and/or anyone attending one of my courses will know that poetic elements often play a really crucial part in effective communication by the greatest speakers of all time.
But, thanks to Mendip District Council and/or Somerset County Council, you can forget what so-called experts like me drone on about in their courses. Why else would they entertain us with needlessly expensive  road signs like the one you see on entering Old Ditch:


Time, methinks, I retired, don't you think....

And I did actually retire on 29th April 2014, but am still running courses and writing books!


Max Atkinson said...
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Anonymous said...

I think the sign is fine as it reminds Mrs Joey Atkinson who didn't write this that there could be tykes with bykes about and er ...?

Max Atkinson said...

And I can vouch for the fact that Mrs Atkinson did write this poetic stuff about about Tykes of York, honest!