Using props as visual aids

Some of hose who attended the European Speechwriters and Business Communicators Conference in Helsinki last week had to put up with watching me giving a short presentation using my iPhone to show short DVD clips to illustrate the main points I was making on a screen 

The reason for risking the use of technology in this way was that I had left the original DVD in a restaurant at Heathrow airport en route to Helsinki - or so I thought last week.

But today, I found the said DVD, neatly deposited in its container on my desk! I hadn't taken it with me at all, so it was just as well that I had a copy on my phone.

The following has a few more examples of speakers using props as visual aids than the DVD used at the conference where time was very limited.

Below the picture, I've attached a copy of the handout used with my talk.

Autumn conference, House of the Estates, Helsinki,
11 & 12 October 2018 #esnfinland18
Max Atkinson’s talk: ‘USING PROPS AS VISUAL AIDS' (handout)

British political party conference
Ann Brennan: “Imagine knocking on people’s doors in King’s Cross (holds up papers) and preaching the word with this.”

Audience: laughter and applause.

Apple product launch

Steve Jobs (walking slowly on stage): “And so let me go ahead and show it to you now…” (holds up office envelope)
Audience: clapping and cheering
Jobs: “let me take it out and show it to you now” (unwraps envelope)
Audience: more clapping, cheering, whistling.
Jobs: “This is it (takes Macbook Air from envelope)
Audience: more clapping, cheering, whistling.
Jobs: “This is the new Macbook Air (holds it up in the air) and you can get a feel for how thin it is”
Audience: Even more clapping and cheering…
Jobs: Yeah there it is
Audience: continuous clapping…

Ted Talk on malaria

Bill Gates: “…course transmitted by mosquitoes and I’ve brought some here (unscrews jar on table in front of him – slight laughter from audience) so you could experience this and we’ll let them roam around the er (louder and more extended audience laughter) auditorium a little bit there – There’s no reason only poor people should have the experience (laughter).

BBC TV Andrew Marr interview with the Archbishop of York

John Sentamu (having removed his clerical collar): “As an Anglican, this is what I wear to identify myself – that I’m a clergyman (holds collar in front of him)
“Do you know what Mugabe has done? He’s taken people’s identity (produces scissors) And literally, if you don’t mind, (starts cutting collar to pieces) cut it to pieces.
This is what he’s actually done so that it the end there’s nothing. so as far as I’m concerned I’m not going to wear a dog collar until Mugabe’s gone” (puts down scissors and remaining pieces of collar).

BBC TV Robin Day with retiring defence minister John Nott

Day: “But why should the public on this issue with regards the future of the Royal Navy believe you a transient here today and if I may say so gone tomorrow politician rather than a senior officer of many years experience?”
Nott: “I’m sorry, I’m fed up with this interview (stands up, unclips microphone and throws it down on table between them) ridiculous (inaudible)”
Day: “Thank you Mr Nott.”

Royal Society: Christmas lectures for children

Professor of Physics (holding red ball: “I have here a solid steel ball – it weighs fourteen kilograms – it’s incredibly heavy – and it’s suspended from the roof of the Faraday lecture theatre by this steel cable.
“Now what I’m going to do is to take this steel ball over here and I’m going to stand with my back against this head-rest and in a moment, I’m going to place it against my face and then I’m going to let go (exhales audibly – audience laughs – professor laughs).
“It’s going to swing out across the lecture theatre and then it’s going to swing back towards my face. Now, according to the laws of physics, it should stop just before it touches me. OK, that’s the theory, now see what happens. I think this is probably worth a countdown – are you ready? Three (audience joins in with him) two, one, go.
(Prof lets ball go)
Audience: “Oooooh” louder and upwards as the ball swings towards this face. Loud applause as it just misses him.

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