Are all social workers employed by the NHS as big a waste of our money as this one?

You'd have thought that all social workers would understand the basics of interaction and/or how to communicate with people they haven't met before.

But the one I've just been interrogated by one who broke every rule of turn-taking that's so far been described by conversation analysts and other researchers -- e.g. absurdly long pauses for no apparent reason, giving no hint whatsoever about what kind of response he might be expecting and randomised facial expressions and non-verbal behaviour, etc., etc.

And 'interrogation' is, alas, the operative word. As co-author with Paul Drew of a book on courtroom language  (Order in court: the organisation of verbal interaction in judicial settings, Macmillan Press, 1979) we learnt about some of the differences between examination in chief and the more aggressive cross-examination.

This particular social worker used cross-exmination continuously and, when asked why he was doing it, confessed that he didn't know there's a difference, let alone what any such difference might be.

I could write a book about him but have neither the time nor or inclination to embark on such a depressing project.

Meanwhile, let's hope he's the only incompetent twit we're paying for...

Does anyone else have and/or know to whom these books might belong?

Thorstein Veblen, The theory of the leisure class, The Macmillan Company, 1899.

Dale Carnegie, How to win friends and influence people, Cedar Book, 1953.

David Kogan & Maurice Kogan, The Battle for the Labour Party,  Fontana Paperbacks, 1982.

Bertrand Russell,  Has Man a Future?  Allen & Unwin, 1961 (a Penguin Special 2'6).

HINT: From schoolboy to sociologist to ...?

Blogging continued...

First, many thanks to loyal readers who've kept on visiting during my unannounced 'Spring Break' - which is now over.

Second, I'll still be blogging on some of the themes touched on in my previous 1,000+ blog pages.

Third, I'll be touching on some new themes that may sometimes  seem to be verging on the obscure.

And, if you're wondering why there are only three points above - says he modestly - read one of my books and/or watch this space...

Flood defence staff and floating voters

In case you missed last night's News Quiz on BBC Radio 4, the opening newspaper report is well worth listening to for another triggered metaphor worth adding to those mentioned in my last post about people being in the same boat and out of their depth in their comments on the flooded Somerset Levels:

"From the Guardian G2: 'About 550 flood defence staff are threatened with redundancy. Chris Smith hopes that, with an election around the corner, the views of floating voters might well force a change of heart.'"